Products and Services

Data Quality

Software that programmatically cleans your customer database, leveraging over 25 years of Data Quality excellence.

Review and fix records requiring manual intervention.

Audit the current data quality status of your largest asset, your customer database.

Get a PAMSS certificate to qualify for SAPO bulk mailing rebates, and save your company money.

Data-driven Marketing

Bureau service for Data-driven Marketing professionals, contact and engagement centers.

Complete and update customer data for recency.

Identify customers and segments through a clean, shaped view of their data.

Trace individuals for asset reunification and debt collection.


Intimate Value is a software product that cleans customer databases. IValue has been packaged so that common code is utilized for online processing as well as offline, batch applications.

IValue is modular and can  provide any or all of the following functionality in one process:

  • Title: Validated against a table file. Fields returned are language, gender and a ‘dear line’ for personalized direct communications.
  • Names: First names and Surnames are validated against tables and New Market / Race codes are returned based on the surnames.
  • ID Number: Validated according to format and check-digit. Gender and Date Of Birth are derived.
  • Date of Birth: Validated according to format, age is derived.
  • Email address: Basic format checks and domain validations against a table file.
  • Two Addresses: Address suburbs and postal codes are validated and cleaned. Address standardisation and formatting is done. Addresses are changed according to language supplied or derived. Proprietary Income Codes, based on household averages, are supplied for a validated suburb.
  • Four Phone Numbers: Cell phone and telephone processed.  Landline dial codes are validated against supplied addresses. Formatting of phone numbers is done and is checked against a file from Telkom to determine whether a number has changed and updated as applicable.

If any validated data is deemed to be incorrect and cannot be programmatically fixed, it is flagged and can be manually cleaned using IValue Review.

Previous versions of IValue include ListClean®. Please contact us should you require more information about upgrading to the latest IValue version.

IValue Review

Intimate Value Review allows for the reviewing and updating of records that have been identified by IValue as requiring manual intervention.

  • All the rules and validations used in IValue are built into IValue Review, allowing users to correct data based on their company’s specific rules.
  • The input to IValue Review is the REVIEW file produced by IValue.
  • The records in the REVIEW file are read one by one, allowing the user to correct address information as well as IValue flags like ID Numbers, Titles, Phone Numbers, etc.
  • The user is given a description of the problem in the record.
  • Suburb, postal code and area search boxes are supplied to enable the user to easily look up all current suburb names and postal codes.
  • Once the user is satisfied that the record is correct it can be accepted, and the record is written to the output file which is used to update the customer database.
  • If the user is unsure of a record, they can ignore it, and get back to it at a later stage.
  • All individual user activity is audited, for example, the number of records processed including records corrected and ignored, as well as the time spent per user using IValue Review.

To inquire about IValueIValue Review or the IValue bundle, please contact IDATA and we will gladly supply you with product info and pricing relevant to your needs.

IValue Audit

Intimate Value Audit can assess the state of specified data elements on a customer database. The tool is aimed at ascertaining the effect that IValue will have on the database if it were to be installed. The software provides information about the status of your company’s data. The fields are checked according to the criteria set and a report produced for the company to evaluate.

To check the status of your company’s data please contact us for requirements.


Postal Address Management Service Suppliers (PAMSS) is a collection of list-cleaning businesses that give list-checking and list-cleaning services to customers on behalf of the South African Post Office (SAPO).

IDATA is an authorized PAMSS of the South African Post Office. The grading system was set up by SAPO to attract bulk mailers to improve address quality, thus assisting SAPO in optimising postal delivery.

The checking of your address data is the first step towards your SAPO Rebate Certificate that could save you thousands, if not millions on your mailings.

Why do I need a PAMSS Certificate?
SAPO motivates bulk mailers who meet their minimum prerequisites, which is a rating from 97-100% accuracy on their mailing lists, by offering them postage reimbursements for each envelope mailed as well as, in numerous cases, upfront discounts. So that the bulk mailer may get the reimbursement, a certified document presenting the percentage of clean records should first be obtained.

How do I apply for a PAMSS certificate?
You must run your address data through the SAPO Audit Software. From this you will get a file with a .STA extension. This is a page of stats and will tell you if you qualify for a PAMSS certificate or not. If you do meet the 97% required you can sign and email that page through to IDATA and we will issue you with a quote for the certificate. Upon your acceptance of the quote we will issue you with a PAMSS certificate.

How long is my PAMSS certificate valid for?
Certificates are valid for 6 months. If the database is less than 10,000 records the certificate will be valid for 12 months.

Where can I find information on the rebates offered by SAPO?
Click Here to download the current SAPO Rates Booklet.

Where do I get the SAPO Audit Software?
sapo_audit_software to download the SAPO Audit Software. Please read the README.DOC in the ZIP file for instructions.

How often are the files updated?
The files are updated once a month at the end of the month.

What format must my input file be in?
Input files must be ASCII files; they can be fixed length or delimited. It must contain the address to which you want to send mail. Up to 5 address lines, a postal code and a reference number are catered for. The file name must be 8 characters or less in length and must have an extension of AUD. E.g. INPUT.AUD.

I have my PAMSS certificate, now what?
Click Here to search the SAPO National Bulk Mail Service Guide.

What can I do if I don’t reach the 97% required for a PAMSS certificate?
IDATA can ‘clean’ your addresses. You can send us your data (reference number, addresses, language) in a CSV formatted file (comma delimited). We will then audit your addresses for you and give statistics stating the current accuracy of your data as well as the accuracy that can be attained after the clean-up process. This accuracy rating is a percentage of clean or correct records, according to the SAPO Rules and Regulations. In order to qualify for a PAMSS certificate you must achieve a rating of at least 97% accuracy. We will provide you with a quote for the clean-up job.

If you accept the quote we will then process the data for you and send you an output file. This output file contains all the fixed addresses and return switches to tell you what has changed on each address. You then need to programmatically update your list of addresses on your database by interrogating these return switches and making a decision on whether to update or not based on the value of the switch.

Can I obtain software to ‘clean’ addresses myself?
Yes, you can obtain a license to run IValue software developed by IDATA that will allow you to ‘clean’ addresses and a whole lot more.
Please contact IDATA with your enquiry and we will gladly supply you with product info and pricing relevant to your needs.

What do I do once I have updated my database?
You have updated your database with all the fixed records supplied. Now you need to extract those addresses to which you want to mail and run them through the SAPO Audit Software. You can then email your signed STA report to IDATA for a quote. Upon your acceptance of the quote we will issue you with a PAMSS certificate.Visit the South African Post Office Home Page for more details.


Intimate Bureau is a service geared towards Data-driven Marketing professionals working within major corporates or individually as specialist marketers.  IBureau facilitates the following:

  • the managing, processing and broking of POPI-compliant contact lists,
  • the data manipulation related to Data-driven Marketing activities, being the
  • cleaning, enriching, de-duping, matching, segmenting, sorting, and response analysis.

IDATA builds and manages several customer databases on behalf of partnering organisations.  These databases are continually maintained and matched against the DMA National Opt Out Database, managed by the Direct Marketing Association of South Africa.  IDATA continually ensures that individuals who have indicated that they do not want to be contacted by any direct marketing organisation, are NOT.

Please contact IDATA and we will gladly supply you with additional information and pricing relevant to your needs.


Intimate Enhance is a service designed to keep your customer database up to date. Use IEnhance to complete missing data and update customer data for recency.

Please contact IDATA and we will gladly supply you with additional information and pricing relevant to your needs.


IDATA has developed Intimate Profile to help clients identify their target market based on current customer data. IProfile can provide a company with a clean, single-shaped view of individuals, family units or households. This tool produces a scoring report based on numerous data variables, allowing for segmentation of customers and the accurate profiling of prospective customers.

Please contact IDATA and we will gladly supply you with additional information and pricing relevant to your needs.



Intimate Trace is a product designed for tracing individuals and their beneficiaries for debt collection and asset reunification.  ITrace is used primarily by our financial clients.

Please contact IDATA and we will gladly supply you with additional information and pricing relevant to your needs.

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